where events are going

Category: Event design

Spruce up your exhibit booth with these 7 essential tips from The Exhibit Expert, Susan Ratliff

By Denise Capello, Head of Business Development, RAI Amsterdam. Perhaps more than ever in this age of online interaction and communities, physical exhibitions and conferences offer a major asset that the virtual world cannot: genuine human contact. How can exhibition organisers best use their physical location to optimize matchmaking and knowledge transfer? How do you […]

Trade show games are a proven, yet dramatically underused activity to get more potential customers into your booth.
Enhance your attendees' experience at your show with these ideas from the retail industry and Amazon.

by Rossi Ralenkotter Event planners have countless things to plan and execute to produce a successful show. Venues, hotels, exhibitors, attendees are all part of the equation that need to be solved, and these details are, of course, critical. But there is another part of the equation that show producers cannot forget–the big picture of […]

by Latoya Lewis How did you land your first job in the events industry? If you’re like me and many of my colleagues, you may have “fallen” into the profession. But how different might your career have been if you had access to a purposeful pathway to help you discover, explore and pursue your interests […]

by Bob James Once a year, CEIR turns “seer” when it convenes its national leadership summit, CEIR Predict. At the two-day conference, experts lead in-depth conversations that range across the whole landscape confronting today’s event organizers—from macro-economic and demographic trends, to technology, science, R&D, and geopolitics. Participants enjoy the chance to step back from momentary […]

by David Nour I spend a lot of time at industry events. In addition to speaking over fifty times a year, I often attend events to spend time with my clients or to recharge my batteries and seek out new ideas. But here’s one thing that sets me apart from many others: I always have […]

by Carl Landau Post-event, if you did your job, everyone is high on love: Loved the program! The speakers rocked! You did great! It’s a Kudos Fest. But, let’s admit, it, not every single attendee is always completely happy. Sure, you strive for that, but it’s realistic to assume you will not please every single person every time. […]

by David Saef With summer in full swing, state fairs and music festivals in full force, and many of us heading to the beach, the woods, or the mountains with a good book or Pokemon Go, it is easy to check out mentally. Yet this is the most important time of the year! Why? First, you have […]