By Emery Leonard, Associate Principal, tvsdesign When making a financial investment in the architecture and interiors of a convention facility, centers look to maximize the functionality and flexibility of their ‘brick and mortar’ investment to better suit the needs of their clients. Architects and designers often assist in realizing targeted renovations that enhance existing business […]
By: Michael Doane, Marketing Manager, CadmiumCD The American Library Association (ALA) is the oldest and largest library association in the world. Roughly 20,000 librarians gather every year for the ALA Annual Conference. An additional 10,000 librarians gather for ALA’s Midwinter Meeting. Collectively, ALA Content Coordinator, Alicia “Alee” Navarro, and her team are responsible for scheduling and […]
by Bob James Once a year, CEIR turns “seer” when it convenes its national leadership summit, CEIR Predict. At the two-day conference, experts lead in-depth conversations that range across the whole landscape confronting today’s event organizers—from macro-economic and demographic trends, to technology, science, R&D, and geopolitics. Participants enjoy the chance to step back from momentary […]
by David Saef With summer in full swing, state fairs and music festivals in full force, and many of us heading to the beach, the woods, or the mountains with a good book or Pokemon Go, it is easy to check out mentally. Yet this is the most important time of the year! Why? First, you have […]
by Nancy Drapeau, PRC, Senior Research Director, CEIR Ok, I’m putting my stake in the ground, I’m saying it: face-to-face marketing is alive and well. CEIR research does not find cracks in the power of face-to-face marketing. If anything, the rise of digital has offered tremendous opportunity for face-to-face marketing settings, trade shows in particular, […]
by Bob James and Michael Hatch Brick-and-mortar chain store owners everywhere are sweating “the retail apocalypse.” Traffic is abysmal. Sales have tanked. Stores are vanishing (over 8,600 are predicted to close this year). Job losses, bankruptcies and liquidations are legion. A tidal wave of disruption is shaking retailers to the core. Could an “apocalypse” beset association […]
by Bob James A telling statistic lies deep within CEIR’s new report, Cost to Attract Attendees. It could in part explain why association-owned shows have recently seen a falloff in attendance, exhibits and income. Association organizers, according to the new report, have cut their marketing spend during the past four years. Associations now spend 20% less on attendee […]